Click on the + next to each ministry name to learn more about that ministry.
This page is updated often, so keep checking in to see how the ministries are all growing. As a ministry grows in content & activity it will get its own page to link to on the website. Ministries that are highlighted in blue have a page that is linked — each and every ministry is an important part of HTC and we give all praise and glory to the Lord for these ministries. If you have questions, contact Lew Reeves, the Ministry Coordinator. If you are feeling God's nudging for you to start a new ministry, begin with the Start a New Ministry tab.
Ministry Leader: Sherine High
This is where you begin when you want to start a new ministry at HTC. If you have an idea for new ministry, please click the link and it will take you to the NEW MINISTRY page with instructions on how to get started. It all starts with God putting an idea in your heart!
Ministry Leader: Mackenzie Ironside
The Card Ministry uses the act of sending monthly greeting cards to share the love of Christ to those in nursing homes & rehabilitation facilities. We do this to help encourage people and show that they are loved. Scripture is included in the cards so the people receiving these cards will know the love of Christ though His Word. We also pray over these cards before they are sent—that the cards would be used in a way that will draw people closer to our Lord. If you would like to be a part of this ministry.
Our Mission Statement: To share Christ's Love and draw people to God by providing greeting cards that contain Bible verses.
Ministry Leader: Kerri Hurd
There is always a need for volunteers in HTC Kids (Preschool), Gforce (Elementary) and H2O (Middle & High School). Leading the next generation to know Jesus is an awesome responsibility and gift. You are helping plant seeds in the hearts of children. If you feel God calling you to serve in any of these areas, please contact Kerri Hurd.
Audience: College & Career (18-25 years old)
Leaders: Terry & Lynn Davis
Location: Wonderfully Made Room NEW ROOM!
Class Begins: Ongoing
Time: 11am-12pm NEW TIME!
Contact: Terry and Lynn Davis EMAIL TERRY or EMAIL LYNN
Or fill out this quick interest form
It’s no secret that this world presents many challenges. As young adults graduate from high school, it’s important for them to have a group that they can connect with and grow in God’s Word. That’s where CURRENTS comes in. We meet each Sunday at 11am and study the Word of God, share in amazing conversations and develop strong and lasting friendships. We support each other and help encourage each other. The currents of this world can have us moving from one place to another, but with our foundation rooted securly in Jesus, we can navigate through these highs and lows. For more information about Currents, please contact Lynn Davis. EMAIL LYNN
Ministry Leader: Mario Howard
This team is responsible for opening and closing the building each Sundays and for special events. They maintain and provide equipment such as tents, tables, chairs and parking cones.
Ministry Leader: Denny Gerlach and Pat Quirk
This team handles all of the maintenance and repair of the building.
Ministry Leader: Ben Munoz
This team is responsible for preparing food for large events.
Grief Share
Audience: Adults 18+
Leader: Bonnie Camp
Location: Gforce Room
Class Begins: September 17-December 10, 2024
Sessions: 13 Weeks
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Contact: Bonnie Camp EMAIL BONNIE
This is a support group that will help you move through the grief process after the loss of a family member, friend or colleague. It is a safe place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Each of the 13-week video sessions is self-contained, so you can join in at any time without feeling that you have missed something from previous sessions. For additional information contact Bonnie Camp at or (609) 805-0973.
Divorce Care
Audience: Adults 18+
Leader: Charmaine Barnes
Location: H2O Room
Class Begins: September 10-December 10, 2024
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Contact: Charmaine Barnes EMAIL CHARMAINE
This is a support group that welcomes people and guides them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Over one million people have found comfort and hope. Each of the 13-week video sessions is self-contained, so you can join in at any time without feeling that you have missed something from the previous sessions. For additional information contact Charmaine Barnes at
Kara Caregivers
Audience: Adults 18+
Leader: Bonnie Camp
Location: TBA
Class Begins: TBD
Coed Group
Contact: Bonnie Camp EMAIL BONNIE
"To care is the most human of all human gestures. It is a gesture that comes forth from a courageous confession of our common need for one another and the grace of compassion that binds us together with others like ourselves who share this wonderful, and painful journey of life." Jesus instructs us to carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) Jesus also tells us to love one another as He loved us in John 13:34. Because our goal is to be more like Christ, and serve others as He served, these verses eventually call most of us to the life of a caregiver at some point in time Right now there are more than 53 million unpaid caregivers in the US in 2023.Caregiving is difficult whether it is at home or in a hospital or a nursing home. Trying to meet the needs of another person is never easy, especially when we are emotionally involved with the one we are providing care for. A parent, a child, a sibling, a friend... there are many who are called to be caregivers. And it is not an easy road to travel, and that is why we have established Kara.
Kara is a group for those of us who have been called to provide care for someone else but who also need to feel cared for. Kara is a support group where caregivers can come to share what is on their hearts, seek advice from others who are walking the same road and just be appreciated, supported, cared for and encouraged by their own community of believers while experiencing the highs and lows of being a caregiver. Kara will offer a place to unwind amongst others who understand the caregivers journey, and hear encouragement on how blessed it truly is to take on the servant's heart of Christ as we care for others who need our help.
Prodigals & Promises
Audience: Adults 18+
Leaders: Frank & Christine Kennedy
Location: H2O Room
Class Begins: 4th Tuesday of each month
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Coed Group
Contact: Frank & Christine Kennedy Email Frank & Christine
Support for parents with adult children who have lost their way. Praying our prodigals home-reminding each other of God’s promises and encouraging one another through prayer and shared experiences.
Ministry Leader: Parker Burrell
This ministry is for the guys! If you are looking to get involved at HTC and would like to serve on this ministry please contact Parker Burrell or email us at You would be helping with events like Men's Breakfasts and more! The activities and opportunities for fellowship for this team is growing. If this is something you would like to learn more about, that be sure to contact Les!
Ministry Leaders: Ed & Peggy Smith
This team is out there serving the community. From Restock Days, to Food Distribution Fridays (1st & 3rd Fridays of the month), and special distributions at Thanksgiving and Easter, The Pantry volunteers are always busy getting things ready. If you would like to know more about serving on this team, please contact Ed and Peggy Smith.
Ministry Leader: Shirley Ritondo
The Prayer Team meets weekly to go over all prayers that have been submitted online and via a Prayer Card. Prayer Requests are kept confidential.
Ministry Leader:
The purpose of everything determines its nature, design and features. Our Creator, the Lord God Almighty is a God of purpose. He had a purpose in mind when He created you and molded you throughout life (Ephesians 2:10). What God has made you to be is intentional, meaningful and guaranteed to succeed as He has purposed for you.
Therefor, discovering who you are in Christ Jesus is an important key to determining your purpose in life and in the body of Christ—the kingdom of believer priests! God NEVER wastes anything! He has a plan and purpose for your life!
Your Spiritual gifts, Heart and passions, Abilities and talents, Personality, and life Experiences are what makes you who you are—who God has created you to be. Understanding your unique S.H.A.P.E. will help you discover your place in service to Him--your sweet spot-- so that you can be everything GOD wants you to be!
Ministry Leader: Les Grow
This is a new area of ministry at HTC. We are currently looking for volunteers that would be interested in serving on this team. If you would like to know more about this Ministry, please contact Les Grow.
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Ministry Leaders: Josh Zervakos & Josh Kline
The Tech Team is responsible for setting up the computer, cameras and other technology on Sunday mornings as well as running the computer system. This includes creating the presentation for Sunday services—using ProPresenter. We use also Planning Center/Services as the method of communication between the Worship Team and Communications Team to bring it all together. If you like technology and learning new things this is the ministry for you. We are currently looking to grow this ministry — positions in lighting, audio and stage design are being added to Tech & Production team. If this sounds like you, then please complete this quick interest form.
Ministry Leader: Harry Burkholder
High Tide Church is seeking men and women (18+) to help with ushering during our Sunday services. As an usher your job is to assist our guests in finding seats, and to "take up" the weekly offering. Service times are 8am, 9:30am and 11am. You can sign up for one service or multiples—it is completely up to you. If you are interested in learning more or are ready to join this fun ministry, please contact Harry 410-913-9497 (call or text) or email him at HARRYB0728@GMAIL.COM.
Ministry Leader: Carrie Boyden & Sarah Fritz
Hello! It's are really short word, but your smile and a "Hello" could be the action that someone needs that day to help point them to Jesus. From the parking lot, through the front doors, all they way to the Sanctuary, Welcome Team members are ready to serve all guests—new and regular attenders—with a smile. There are many areas to serve on the Welcome Team, so if you like connecting with people and also like smiling (a must!), please contact Carrie or Sarah.
Ministry Leader: Elaine Atcherson
In conjunction with the direction of the Elders, the High Tide Church Women's Ministry team plans, organizes and executes programs to meet a variety of needs in our church and in our local and world-wide community.
Mission Statement: The Women's Ministry Team serves the body of Christ by showing His love to all, demonstrating His call to serve others in unity through the Holy Spirit and for God's glory.
Ministry Leader: Ray Jenkins
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." [Psalm 139:14]
This beautiful ministry serves those with intellectual disabilities. Jesus commanded, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." [Matthew 28:19] Wonderfully Made shares God's Word with those who need to hear the message in a way that they can understand and it's all done through love and encouragement of Jesus. God's love is for everyone!
Ministry Leader: Chris Hardy
Do you play an instrument or do you love to sing? Is music just bursting from with in you? The Worship Team is always looking for those who have musical gifts. If you would like to learn more about this awesome team, please contact Chris Hardy, the HTC Worship Leader.