Winter-Spring 2025
Leaders: Rich & Debbie McGuire
Room: HTC G-Force Room
Audience: Adults 18+
Meets: Begins Sunday, January 5, 2025
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
What is the Bible?
Who is Jesus?
What does any of this have to do with me?At Moving Forward we help you explore these questions through a conversation. Your questions and doubts are welcome here. Whether you are a new believer, a skeptic, or someone just seeking answers, come start a conversation with us! For additional information contact Rich or Debbie McGuire at or 443-766-9712.
Leader: Dan Glasstetter & Horacio Tablada
Location: HTC H2O Room
Audience: Adults
Meets: Meets twice a month
Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm
The word “grace” is commonly used among Christians, but it is often misunderstood or underappreciated. We will explore and discuss the depth of God’s grace and how it affects our salvation, eternal security, the assurance of our salvation, and our motivation for living the Christian life. For additional information contact Dan Glasstetter at OR Horacio Tablada at, (443) 506-9992.
Leaders: Kyle & Jennifer Siptroth
Location: Dagsboro
Audience: Married Couples
Meets: Begins on September 29, 2024
Time: 7:30pm-9pm
This is for marriages in their early to even more seasoned stages to reconnect and get rejuvenated. Re-engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. Our goal is to help you grow in your relationship with your spouse, with other couples, and with God. We will be meeting over the course of 11 weeks to cover important topics that are relevant to all marriages including how to manage conflict, how to communicate, and the power of forgiveness and grace. We will be utilizing the Re-Engage workbook and other resources to help understand God’s design for marriage. Each week we will dig into a new topic and supporting scripture that will help to uncover things about ourselves as individuals and about our spouses. You may learn something completely new about your spouse or perhaps you’ll be reminded of something that has been lost over the years. We are so excited about what God is going to do and how He will use this small group time to grow our marriages in a way that glorifies God. For additional information view this video: or contact Kyle or Jennifer Siptroth at or (321) 917-4060.
Register for the invisible war
Leaders: Pret Dyer & Les Grow
Location: High Tide Church—H2O Room
Audience: Men's Group
Meets: Monday Nights
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
What Every Believer Needs to Know About Satan, Demons & Spiritual Warfare. The Invisible War builds upon the Bible’s clear warning that Satan is on a mission to “steal, kill, and destroy” God’s people. This is the invisible war. Are you prepared for spiritual warfare? To defend yourself and your loved ones against the devil’s temptations and schemes? For additional information contact or Pret Dyer at 302-542-2543.
Leader: Larry Kaplan
Location: Ocean View
Audience: Adults
Meets: Begins Monday, September 23, 2024
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Register for the Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew. This study focuses on the life of Christ, from birth to the great commission. We will go mostly verse-by-verse as we discuss Jesus as King of Israel. For additional information contact Larry Kaplan at or (410) 652-8951.
Leader: Lew Reeves
Location: Dagsboro
Audience: Adults
Meets: Begins Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Are you living a faithful life? We don't work to be saved; we work because we are saved. But without faith, our works are empty service. And without works our faith is dead. This dynamic relationship is the heart of this study of the Book of James. For additional information contact Lew at
Leaders: Mason & Deanna Dyer
Location: Ocean View
Audience: Adults
Meets: Begins Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Register for Exalting Jesus in Ephesians
This is a family Bible fellowship group. This study will be using the Exposition commentary and it takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the author has crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in the book of Ephesians. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. For additional information contact Mason or Deanna Dyer at or Deanna (909) 732-7367.
Leader: Mark Atcherson
Room: HTC G-Force Room
Audience: Men's Group
Meets: Wednesdays
Time: 7:30am-9:30am (Coffee & Fellowship 7:30am, study begins at 8:00am)
Register for John: The Word Became Flesh
Different from the other three gospel accounts of Jesus’s life and ministry, the Gospel of John focused on the nature of Christ and how belief in Him leads to true life. Throughout the book of John we learn how we’re dependent upon God to help us believe in the name of Jesus and become His children and experience a well of abundant grace that never runs dry. To this day, Jesus continues to draw followers to Himself in the same ways He drew His first disciples. Jesus became like us so that we might become like Him. For additional information contact Mark Atcherson at or call (443) 834-5612.
Leader: Chris Parker
Room: HTC H2O Room
Audience: Adults and Youth 12+
Meets: Last class is on February 19, 2025
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Register for The Chosen Series: Group Study
This is a study and discussion group that will be based on the television series about the Life of Jesus. The group will review one episode per week and we ask everyone to watch it before the meeting. When the group comes together, the discussion will focus on the parts that stood out to each one and discuss the reason. An outline will be provided with the relevant Scriptures. This is an exciting way to learn about the Life of Jesus and how it must have been for the disciples. The series does a great job of bringing the Bible to life. Whether you’ve been a believer for many years or just starting out on that spiritual journey…this is a good study for everyone. We will begin Wednesday Sept 18th with a review of Seasons 1-3 and then start with Episode 1 of season 4 after that the following week. Once we are done with Season 4 we are going to start over again and go through each episode from the beginning of Season 1. For additional information contact Chris Parker at or (302) 245-3359.
Leader: Chris Parker
Room: HTC H2O Room
Audience: Adults and Youth 12+
Meets: March 5 - May 28, 2025
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
REGISTER for The Twelve Disciples
Jesus called twelve ordinary men―and turned their weaknesses into strengths, their faults into testimonies, and their doubts into faith. Who were these men who walked with Jesus? What can we learn from their lives? Find out with The Twelve Disciples Visual Bible Study. From John and Peter to Matthew and Mark, enjoy digging deeper into the lives of each of Jesus' twelve disciples and learn more about:
- Their personalities
- Why Jesus called each of them
- How they served
- The lessons that we can learn from their mishaps and strengths
- And more!
Leader: Pen Frey
Location: HTC G-Force room
Audience: Adults
Meets: Wednesday (Begins on January 8, 2025)
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
A doctrinal blueprint for building a relationship with Christ. If you are new or would like a review, this class is for you. All materials will be provided; Each week is a stand-alone lesson. The “Ephesians Bible Study” will explore the essence of our Christian faith and how to relate to our infinite, personal God. Get ready to “Begin" the spiritual adventure of the rest of your life.. For additional information contact Pen Frey at, 610-883-2185.
Leaders: Joel & Jenelle Mears
Location: Millsboro (Off Rt 24 near Long Neck)
Audience: Adults (Child care available if needed)
Meets: Begins Wednesday Sept. 18, 2024
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Register for The Gospel of John
Come join us as we study of the gospel of John taking a Christ-centered approach rather than a verse-by-verse approach. The study will lead you to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture in the gospel of John. For additional information contact Joel 302-981-9629, or Jenelle Mears at 302-981-9639,
ZOOM available, please contact the leader directly for information
Leaders: Elaine Atcherson, Dee Whitehead & Kathleen Bowers
Room: HTC G-Force Room, H2O Room & Sanctuary
Audience: Women's Group
Meets: Begins Thursday, January 9, 2025 (15 Weeks Total)
Fellowship: 8:30am-9:00am
Teaching & Group Discussion: 9:00am-10:30am
Register for the Women's Study: Nehemiah & Psalms
Study Lineup:
- The Book of Nehemiah (6 weeks)
- The Book of Psalms (9 weeks)
This is an inductive chapter-by chapter study, consisting of a half-hour teaching followed by an hour of group discussion. In the Book of Nehemiah we will see how God miraculously restored a remnant of His chosen people to the Promised Land, enabling them to begin to rebuild the Jerusalem city walls despite the enemies that faced them on every side. In the Book of Psalms, we will explore the themes and truths presented in the beautiful poetry of King David and other psalmists inspired by the Lord our God.
For additional information contact Elaine Atcherson at or (443) 465-2032, or Kathleen Bowers at or (301) 275-1966. - The Book of Nehemiah (6 weeks)
Leader: Sharon Tablada
Room: HTC G-Force Room
Audience: Women's Group
Meets: Begins Thursday January 30, 2025
Sessions: 11
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm
Register for the Women's Study: Finding "i Am"
Join us as we explore the “I AM” statements of Jesus and see some sites in Israel by video. Please purchase your own workbook if you plan to attend. For additional information please contact Sharon Tablada for more info (410) 925-6167 or
Leader: Rick Rodriguez-Gummo
Location: 38837 Taft Avenue (near Harpoon Hanna's, Fenwick)
Audience: Adults
Meets: Meets Every Other Week
Time: 5:30pm-7:15pm
Register for The Book of James
Interactive small group in Fenwick Island area. We would like to delve into the book of James…although a small book, it unpacks a lot of how we as Christians should live. We envision our time together each week to include time sharing in fellowship (via discussing the week’s blessings and prayer requests, and sharing some eats together). And then we’ll dive into a chapter of James, reading from the Bible and supplemental material. For additional information contact Rick Rodriguez-Gummo at or (240) 367-4459.
Leaders: Terry & Lynn Davis
Location: Berlin, MD
Audience: Young Adults 18-29 years old only
Meets: Begins Friday, September 13, 2024
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Register for Search: What does the Bible say about that?
This is a seeker friendly Bible search and Fellowship group for anyone who has difficult questions and wants answers from the Bible. It is for anyone searching for Biblical answers to life’s toughest questions such as Is God from the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? How could Jonah live for three days in the belly of the fish? Why are there so many different denominations? For additional information contact Terry Davis at or (410) 251-4342.
Leader: Horacio Tablada
Location: Millsboro/Dagsboro Area: Contact Leader for Location
Audience: Adults
Meets: Meets twice a month
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Register for Simply by Grace ON SATURDAYS
The word “grace” is commonly used among Christians, but it is often misunderstood or underappreciated. We will explore and discuss the depth of God’s grace and how it affects our salvation, eternal security, the assurance of our salvation, and our motivation for living the Christian life. For additional information contact Horacio Tablada at or (443) 506-9992.
Leader: Horacio Tablada
Room: HTC G-Force Room
Meets: Monthly on Saturdays
Audience: Adults (High Schoolers are also welcome)
These are seminars to train the body of Christ. They will cover systematic theology, biblical tool of interpretation hermeneutics), apologetics, how to pray, finance management, raising children and other topics of interest. The goal is to provide a biblical world view so the attenders will grow and become mature and multiplying followers of Jesus. They will be held throughout the year on Saturday mornings. For additional information contact Horacio Tablada at or (443) 506-9992.
Looking for Pain to Purpose, Grief Share, Divorce Care or Prodigals & Promises?
Those groups are Ministries and can be found on the Ministries page under the Mending Hearts tab.
Small Groups Mission Statement
To grow in Christlikeness through knowledge of the Word and its application to our lives, yielding a personal spiritual transformation.