Tithing & Giving

We are so grateful you are on this page to learn more about how you can share the resources that God has provided. We do not take this lightly and we ask you to pray and ask the Lord how He wants you to share your tithes and giving with HTC. We have a few giving funds at HTC and each one serves a different purpose, but one thing is the same; they are all used to honor the Lord by serving people. 

If you ever have any questions about the different funds or about tithing and giving, please never hesitate to reach out to us. Email us at office@hightidechurch.org or stop by to talk to us at the Welcome Table. We realize talking about money can be uncomfortable, but we know that all things belong to God. He has provided for us to provide for others. 


Click on the fund name below to

learn how each fund is used.

  • Leviticus 27:30 says, “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord: it is holy to the Lord.” These gifts were a reminder that everything belonged to God and a portion was given back to God to thank him for what they had received. Tithing is a biblical action that reminds us that all things come from God and belong to God. We do not give under obligation but in love and with humble gratitude knowing that God provides for us at all times. All tithing goes into the General Fund.

    The General Fund is used in the overall running of High Tide Church. This is our main giving fund. Money given to this fund is used to support any needs that the church may have in helping the community and sharing the gospel.

  • Lottie Moon was sent as a Southern Baptist missionary to China from 1873 to 1912. She saw firsthand the world’s greatest problem — LOSTNESS. Meeting so many people who had never heard the gospel compelled her to write letters to American churches describing the need for a greater missionary presence. She pleaded for increased prayer and financial support to send and sustain more missionaries. This challenge became known as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®.

    • You can give to the Lottie Moon fund throughout December by giving online.
    • In-Person Giving will be done on Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, during any of our services: 3pm, 4:30pm and 6pm. Thank you church!
  • The journey continues: MORE 2.0. All giving to this fund will be used to pay off the existing building debt, add six new classrooms including an overflow room for Sunday Services, two additional restrooms, and a shed for the Food Pantry with additional storage. Please pray and ask the LORD how you can be a part of this giving campaign.

  • The Pantry at HTC supports local families by giving out food to those in need in our community. Twice a month food distribution happens and extra distribution days occur for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. HTC members and attenders donate food items to The Pantry on the first of each month. Any other groceries that are needed are purchased through this fund. To learn more about the Pantry click here.

  • It is our heart to serve orphans in our community through adoption. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." This fund is used to support HTC members that are looking to adopt. When you support this fund, you are bringing families together through adoption.

  • Donations made in Memory of Tanya Ehlers all go to support building expenses as well as new and growing visions for the High Tide Church campus on Nine Foot Road. This building is a tool used for spreading the gospel message to our community and beyond. We know God has great plans for High Tide Church and will follow and trust Him as He leads us forward.