Raising up the Next Generation!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. — Ephesians 3:20

At HTC there is a program for everyone! From Beach Babies through Currents, and everyone in between.

Please read through the programs to determine which one is best for your child. You can email the director of each program directly—email links are provided under the headings. And, if you feel the call to volunteer in any of the Next Generation programs, please email the director or contact our office at office@hightidechurch.org.

God is moving at HTC and we ask that you pray for the children and youth ministries listed below and in how you can be a part of HTC.

  • Ages: 3 Months Old to 2 Years Old

    Director: Lenlie Quirk

    Service Times: 9:30am & 11am

    At Beach Babies we care for and love on your babies while you attend the main service. Our volunteers have a heart to serve and care for little ones. If you would like to learn more about Beach Babies or become a Beach Baby volunteer please contact Lenlie Quirk. EMAIL LENLIE

  • Ages: PreK

    Director: Lenlie Quirk

    Meets at: 9:30am & 11am

    HTC Kids is a nurturing and highly interactive program that uses music, lovable characters and engaging activities to reinforce scripture memory and the Bible’s “totally true” stories. Each week, children not only learn the Word of God but are active participants in the adventure of its discovery. Contact Lenlie Quirk to learn more about HTC Kids or to become a volunteer. EMAIL LENLIE

    Children are taught these three basic Truths:

    • God made me
    • God loves me
    • Jesus wants to be my friend forever
  • Ages: Kindergarten-5th Grade

    Director: Holly Kline

    Meets at: 9:30am & 11am

    Each Sunday the Gforce volunteer team gathers in prayer and prepares to create a fun environment for your kids to learn about Jesus. Although we want to make it fun, we know that it is very important to maintain God's Word and present the Truth in a fun yet accurate way. We use various Christ-centered curriculum that takes elementary-aged children on a chronological journey through the Bible. This allows your children to see how Christ fulfills the Bible; from creation to eternity.

    Gforce is a high energy group that uses music, small group activities, Scripture memory and multi-media to present not just a collection of Bible stories, but one unified story—God's story of redemption. Contact Holly Kline to learn more about Gforce or to become a volunteer. Email the HTC office

  • Grades: 6th-8th Grade

    Director: Nikki Zervakos

    Meets at: 11am

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    Each week middle schoolers take part in fun and lively discussions, mixed with worship, games and lessons — all designed to grow them closer in their walk with Jesus. This group is lead by an amazing team of adult leaders focused on the mission of helping students bring Honor to the One (H2O), Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are also off campus activities such as laser tag, bowling, paint ball and more! Be sure to Invite your friends! For more information about H2O Middle School please contact Nikki Zervakos. Email the HTC Office

  • Grades: 9th -12th Grade

    Director: Nikki Zervakos

    Meets on Sunday Evening: 6pm

    Follow us on Instagram

    On Sunday evenings H2O High School meets in the H2O room to take part in fun and lively discussions, mixed with worship, games and lessons — all designed to grow them closer in their walk with Jesus. This group is led by an amazing team of adult leaders focused on the mission of helping students bring Honor to the One (H2O), Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are also off campus activities such as laser tag, bowling, paint ball and more! Be sure to Invite your friends! For more information about H2O Middle School please contact Nikki Zervakos. Email the HTC Office

  • Ages: 18-26

    Directors: Terry & Lynn Davis

    NEW Time & Room: 11am in the Wonderfully Made Room

    Want to learn more? Fill out this quick interest form

    It’s no secret that this world presents many challenges. As young adults graduate from high school, it’s important for them to have a group that they can connect with and grow in God’s Word. That’s where CURRENTS comes in. We meet each Sunday at 11am and study the Word of God, share in amazing conversations and develop strong and lasting friendships. We support each other and help encourage each other. The currents of this world can have us moving from one place to another, but with our foundation rooted securly in Jesus, we can navigate through these highs and lows. For more information about Currents, please contact Lynn Davis. EMAIL LYNN

  • Ages: All Ages

    Director: Les Grow

    Service Times: All

    NOTE: Please contact the High Tide Church office at office@hightidechurch.org, if you would like to have your child attend Wonderfully Made. You can also contact the office by calling 302-732-3303. We ask that you contact us first so we can discuss needs and determine the best service time for your child to attend.

    Welcome to Wonderfully Made, a ministry at High Tide Church dedicated to sharing the gospel message to individuals with special needs. Our mission is to create a loving and welcoming environment where everyone can experience the love of Jesus and grow in their faith journey.

    At Wonderfully Made, we know that every person is fearfully and wonderfully made by our LORD. We believe that individuals with special needs deserve the same opportunity to explore and thrive in their spiritual lives. Through engaging and tailored teachings, we offer a space where people can learn about the gospel message and its relevance to their lives.

    Our program is designed to meet the unique needs of each person with various abilities. Our dedicated team of volunteers are passionate about making the gospel accessible and meaningful for each participant. 

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.