And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 13:16
NEW Location: 24349 Blueberry Lane, Frankford, DE 19945 in the Kingsley Orchards building.
Curbside Delivery & Pickup Days are on the first and third Friday of each month:
High Tide Church’s food pantry provides food pickup and local deliveries on the first and third Friday of each month. If you would like to pickup or need a local delivery, or know someone who would, please contact The Pantry at 302-727-1055 or email Ed & Peggy at .
1st Sunday of the Month Restock Days
heartDrop off your restock items between the 1st & 2nd service OR between the 2nd & 3rd service. Pantry volunteers will be stationed out front of church to help you. Thank you so much for your amazing generosity!
Below is the list of items needed:
Question Circle If you have any questions, please contact Ed & Peggy Smith at 302-727-1055 or send them an email.
Become a Pantry Team Volunteer
Are you looking for a way to get involved? We would love to have you on The Pantry Team! Contact Ed & Peggy Smith to find about about volunteer opportunities. Email or call us at; 302-727-1055.