We are so excited to share this information with you. Before we get started on this journey, please take a minute to pray and ask JESUS to help us as we navigate the next few years. This campaign is not about building a bigger sanctuary with more seats. Through much prayer, Pastor Andy has been led to the vision of making and equpping disciples. Of course a larger sanctuary is needed and is part of the future vision of HTC, but as we move forward with MORE 2.0 our focus is on paying off the existing building debt, creating more classrooms for the children and adults, bringing the Food Pantry on campus and creating some additional storage.

We know GOD has big plans!

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,"


  • Welcome to MORE 2.0

    Pastor Andy's Letter

    Pastor Andy's letter will help you understand the vision of MORE 2.0. The LORD has blessed High Tide Church with our current building. This building was the result of MORE (Phase 1). But after much prayer, discussion and discernment, Pastor Andy and the elders are hearing the LORD say that "the journey continues." We are not done—GOD has so much more ahead of us at High Tide Church. Get ready for an exciting time as we head into Phase 2 of MORE, called MORE 2.0.

  • MORE 2.0 Brochure

    Download Brochure

    To get the full scope of the MORE 2.0 building campaign, please download the MORE 2.0 Brochure.

    IMPORTANT: The floor plan and elevations shown within this brochure not only illustrate Phase 2 (which is MORE 2.0) but also gives you the future vision of High Tide Church. 

    The MORE 2.0 campaign is focused on paying off our current building debt, adding 6 classrooms one of which will be an overflow room, two restrooms and a building for the Pantry with additional storage.

  • 3-Week Prayer Guide

    Download the Prayer Guide

    We hope you will commit to pray with us throughout the entire MORE 2.0 journey. To help you, we have developed a 3-week Prayer Guide. This guide begins on September 22 and will take you through October 12. If you received a MORE 2.0 Packet, you will find the Prayer Guide inside, or you can view and download the guide using the link above.

  • "Pop-Up" Q&A Gatherings

    Download the FAQ Sheet

    Do you have questions about MORE 2.0? A great place to begin is by downloading our FAQ sheet. But what if you have more questions? We've go you covered. Our team has created four in-home "Pop-Up" gatherings and also two gatherings at High Tide Church.


    In-home gatherings are limited to 20 adults. This small, relaxed, casual setting is perfect for you to ask your MORE 2.0 questions. There will be an elder and/or deacon at each in-home event to answer your questions. 

    • October 2 in Bethany Beach, 7pm-8:30pm (Rich & Debbie McGuire)
    • October 16 in Ocean View, 7pm-8:30pm (Bill & Jan Goldthwaite)
    • October 23 in Dagsboro, 7pm-8:30pm (Sylvia Westerlund)
    • October 30 in Millsboro/Georgetown, 7pm-8:30pm (Parker & Cassandra Burdell)

    Plus there will be two larger Pop-Ups held at High Tide Church, in the sanctuary. These are larger gatherings, but still perfect for you to ask your questions. The HTC Pop-Ups are open to everyone.

    • October 6 at High Tide Church, 1pm-2:30pm
    • October 20 at High Tide Church, 1pm-2:30pm
  • How do I Give?

    GIVE to MORE 2.0

    All we do is rooted in prayer. Please go the JESUS and ask Him to lead you as you make your decision in how to support MORE 2.0. We know that GOD provides exactly what we need at the perfect time. We have gone to the LORD through all of this, and we know that He will provide. His promises are true and no matter what, we have full assurance that GOD will continue to guide us; He will meet our needs according to His will.

    Giving is between you and LORD. Every gift is a blessing and we can't thank you enough for all that you do for High Tide Church. We are the body of CHRIST—let's depend on Him and let Him direct us in giving. Thank you church!

    Commitment Card & Giving Estimator

    What should I do now?

    Once you have heard from the LORD, please complete a Commitment Card. This card is in your MORE 2.0 Packet.

    Important Dates:

    • October 13: Bring in your Commitment Card
    • October 20: First Fruits Offering
    • November 3: Celebration Service!

    NOTE: If you did not receive a MORE 2.0 Packet, please go to the Welcome Desk. This packet includes all information listed on this page.